Amy and Amiability

Postcards from the edge of reason...


Friday, February 09, 2007


So this was the BBC weather forecast for Lichfield today.

In case you can't read that it says "Friday's predominant weather is forecast to be sunny intervals."

How then would you explain this...

and this?

All of which has arrived since lunchtime as by then yesterday's dumping had nearly gone. And before you ask. Yes I did have to go into work and yes we were possbily the only school open in the whole of Lichfield. We made a fabulous snowman though; he was nearly as tall as me! Obviously I had to go out and play in the snow as, having been brought up on the South coast, there was always a definite shortage of the cold, white stuff (as my poor sister is now discovering)


At 11:09 AM, Blogger Teapot said...

Love the snowman!! More fun at work?...........!!

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Amy and Amiability said...

Yes; only about 30 children could go out to play at dinner time as most of them had come in entirely unsuitable footwear and clothes so we had a great time (mine was purely a supervisory role you understand!). No doubt next time there is snow, many more of the owners of the sad little faces, that were peering out at us from the classroom windows, will arrive wearing their wellies!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger D Baynham said...

I am very pleased you went to school in your wellies. Did you have a snowball fight or was that not alowed? if so did you win or did teh kiddies?

At 7:21 PM, Blogger The Random One said...

Beautiful Snowman, did it get named by the kiddies? It must be so trying 'supervising' the kids playing in the snow (a kid gets hit....."oooh I wonder who threw that, surely not Miss Coward?"). Julia had a similar experience I believe....your 2 schools being the only 2 that actually opened during the snow!!!

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Kirstin said...

cool snowman, me meg dn molly made a giant snowball ( we couldnt move it by the time we had been rolling it for about 30 mins)


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