Amy and Amiability

Postcards from the edge of reason...


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

And the results are...

Most people seem to want me to have a party, which is fine. You can have one. I am going somewhere else. Not sure why I put party as an option really as I can't bear them! Well, that's not strictly true. I don't mind other people's parties too much but not my own.

Sorry for lack of posting. Lots to do. 2 performances of Christmas Production and the school Christmas party out of the way. Once the cabarets and services are over I should have more time. Oh, except there is that little matter of Christmas too.

I'll meet you on the other side!

oh and p.s. I suspect someone has been multiple voting on the poll, mentioning no names...


At 6:03 PM, Blogger D Baynham said...

Moi? would I do something like that?

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Amy and Amiability said...

Hmm, perhaps I should add your picture to the gallery of shame then!


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