Amy and Amiability

Postcards from the edge of reason...


Monday, November 06, 2006

An unusual end to the weekend

Well, it's not every weekend that an elderly "comedian" ridicules you publicly in a place of worship. My lovely new cardy will not be seeing the light of day for a few weeks until I have put the trauma behind me. For those of you who were not lucky enough to have ring side seats for this happy event , let me explain.

Tommy Cannon (as in Cannon and Ball) was at church last night, talking about how he became a Christian and stuff but decided that anyone who so much as moved in the audience would get commented on. The music group had been playing at the beginning of the service and I had got really warm cos I was nervous but once I had been sitting for a while listening to the "comedy" I got a bit chilly and went to put my cardigan on. That was my first mistake. I then had to endure Mr Cannon asking me if I was leaving (I would have loved to actually at that point but felt it would be rude. If only I had know rudeness was the order of the day!) and then just went on and on and on for what felt like 5 minutes about my cardigan and stuff which was REALLY embarrassing. And not in a "oh good I'm getting lots of attention" embarrassing way but in a crippling "please stop talking about me and thinking about me and making other people look at me and think about me" way. It was so awful.

Anyway it got me thinking about this whole "celebrity" thing and how annoying it is that as soon as people become famous their opinion on everything is suddenly really important. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to listen to Michael Schumacher discuss the pros and cons of traction control and to Anthony Hopkins' thoughts on the state of the British Film making because that's their field of expertise but should they be given the same platform to talk about stuff they don't really know that much about? Hmm. And again don't get me wrong because I know that there are famous people out there who do a great job: they are knowledgeable about world issues and they use their fame to highlight issues that may not otherwise reach such a wide audience. I'm waffling but I suppose what I really mean is...What was so wrong with my cardigan and shouldn't I be allowed to wear it in peace, without fear of persecution?!

p.s. apart from that I had a lovely weekend full of fireworks and yummy food. Thanks everyone!


At 6:48 PM, Blogger D Baynham said...

Fashion comments from a over 60's man in slacks and a sports jacket? You wear that cardy, it looked great and so did you.

At 6:49 PM, Blogger D Baynham said...

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At 10:29 PM, Blogger Teapot said...

Sorry to hear about your cardigan. Genuinely so! Don't sound like such a brill evening all round in parts. Time Lord and me deliberately decided not to go to that particular service as we knew it would be ever so (slightly?!!!)naff, and not the kind of thing you want in your face on a Sunday evening. Sunday evenings are bad enough to face at times as it is.
They are becoming easier, but it takes a bit of effort to be there!

Take heart Amy, you are a brill musician, and have a wonderful way with words. Keep up with your blog, and it cheers us all up, unless we hear about one TC upsetting you nedlessly, jerk!

At 11:00 PM, Blogger timelord in the tardis said...

we rely on english blogger to pull the plug on guys like this....
...failing that I would have thought that the jolly green giant and Big Al could have carried him off under close arrest...
...that would have been very amusing and a suitable prelude to the fireworks!

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Amy and Amiability said...

It was quite naff in some ways. I did find myself wishing that Eddie Izzard/Ross Noble/Alan Davies/Bill Bailey was a christian at different points throughout the evening!

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Robbie, Rudolf & Rusty said...

I didn't have the misfortune of being there Sunday evening, thank goodness! The Opinions of celebs don't matter, the ones of your friends are the ones that count. I don't think I have had the pleasure of meeting your cardi, but if the rest of your wardrobe is anything to go on it must be lovely. So ignor the unfunny non-friend and listen to your friends and get the cardy on!


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