Amy and Amiability

Postcards from the edge of reason...


Friday, October 27, 2006

Holiday club and some fairly shameless stereotyping

Well I have had a fab week taking part in the holiday club and now I am convinced that "sailor chic" is the look for me. Think gaudy yellow bandana, think tatty plaited pigtails, think hooped earrings...oh yes. It's a great look.

I was responsible for a group of seven Year 4 boys who were great fun. One in particular seems to have all the skills in place for charming the ladies when he's older as, while Karen was praying with them today he leant over to me and whispered "Did you have your hair done yesterday?" The answer was yes, I had, and at great personal expense (more than I'd planned actually as I left a brand new hardback book at the hairdresser's by mistake - yes Dan it was the Karl Pilkington one!). He was in fact the only male in the vicinity who had noticed, or at least was the only one who bothered to comment!

I won't make one of those "huh, typical men" comments as I know certain men of my acquaintance don't like it as they feel it is blah blah derogatory blah blah tars with the same brush blah blah men are supposed to be different blah. However I would like to point out that if they would only stop conforming to these stereotypes for a few minutes I might be able to stop bandying them about.

Now the lesson today was about being merciful because apparently when we show mercy, God is merciful to us. Hmm, better get started on that then. Anyway, perhaps the hair looks terrible and they were all just trying to protect my feelings...


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