Amy and Amiability

Postcards from the edge of reason...


Monday, January 01, 2007

A new laundry-based trauma...

Do you remember that game "Buckaroo" that someone always used to bring in on the last day of term? I don't remember the precise rules as I have never really been one for those stress inducing type games where silence and tension is suddenly broken by an almighty clattering(see also: Jenga; Mousetrap; Kerplunk - even Twister if you are not quite playing properly!). Anyway the premise is that there is some sort of horsey/donkey thing and you have to keep adding luggage carefully until it has had enough when it will suddenly "Buckeroooo!" and everything goes flying off. The last person to place a piece of luggage is the loser and is ridiculed (while secretly everyone else is relieved that they are not unlucky enough to be the cack-handed, clumsy oaf that set it off.

The reason for that unneccesarily long preamble was that I have had another laundry crisis. this time is it my clothes airer which is one of those ones with 3 arms that looks a little bit like a rotary drier but smaller. Anyway to cut a long story short; it is broken. Now I didn't break it (well not initially anyway) it has always (for the 3 weeks I have owned it) been a bit on the weedy side but now, in an attempt to sort it "once and for all" I have properly broken it. The result being that the only thing that holds it up now is a wish and a prayer (always best to cover these things from both angles just in case!).

This means that now, hanging up my washing to dry holds many of the same stresses as that infernal game. First I have to set up the airer to the correct height then tiptoe around the room in case a slightly loose floor board should move and cause it to collapse. As I hook each hanger on to one of the arms (making sure the weight is spread evenly of course, any hardened Buckaroo play knows to spread the load) I hold my breath to see if the airer will take the strain. If it does I breath a sigh of relief (not too big though as a sudden blast of air can also cause it to collapse) and start on the next item. If, heaven forbid, the airer does collapse, it is impossible to reassemble with all the wet clothes on it so I have to take them all off and start again.

At least at school there was a fairly even chance that anyone could lose at Buckaroo, in the "Amy versus the Airer" game there is only ever one loser!

Oh, and happy new year!


At 2:52 PM, Blogger D Baynham said...

I liked playing kerplunk at your house, maybe next time we could play "See how many of Amy's wet clothes we can pile on your clothes horse" winner gets another pudding!!! Mmmmmmmmm and to laugh and mock the loser of course. (which will be me or Ian)

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Amy and Amiability said...

Hehe is that because you are strangers to wet washing and its foibles?


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