The end is nigh...
I'm going to miss "Not Conner". He has changed over the course of the year, from a rough start, with a reputation as an aggressive little chap with anger management problems to an absolute (although sometimes mischievous) delight. He is an easy-going little miracle, a fantastic conversationalist and a beautiful singer who cares about doing the right thing. He proves to me that, given a fresh start and people around you who have faith in you, you really can achieve anything. However, no chat with him is ever run of the mill.
A few highlights from our conversations over the last couple of weeks
Scene 1 - A group of children have been helping make sweets to sell at the summer fayre. Not Conner has been helping out reliably and carefully; Oompa-Loompas, your jobs are not safe! (It must be pointed out before I start that NC has an elaborate mohican style hair-do!)
Amiable teacher: You have been such a fantastic help today. What on earth am I going to do without you next year?
Not Conner: (thoughtfully) Hmm, I suppose you could dress up someone in your new class so they look like me, then you won't miss me.
AT: I don't think that would be the same
NC: Yes it would! It's easy, just tell them to pop down Wilko's for some Brylcream: that's all I do anyway.
Scene 2 - An observed literacy lesson. the children are writing suspense type poems based on a scene from a book where a boy goes into the jungle.
AT: Look, I've got you these photographs of the jungle and jungle-type creatures to help you if you are not sure what to describe.
NC: (Picking up a picture showing a selection of brightly coloured poison arrow frogs and studying it carefully) Do you know Miss, the more I look at these, the more I just want to squeeze 'em!
I made a mental note to check whether he has any pets at home.