Amy and Amiability

Postcards from the edge of reason...


Thursday, August 31, 2006

Starting from where I left off...Croatia and dodgy Eastern European Alckyhol

Welcome to my new blog, don't worry about taking your shoes off as long as they're not too muddy. Cup of tea?

Well to reiterate from my old blog, I have been back from Greenbelt ( for 48 hours and have nearly succeeded in getting all the mud off both myself and my personal possessions! I have also managed to upload all my holiday snaps into photobucket so if any of you are having trouble sleeping, check out ...

Nothing much else to say really, apart from, no, there was no Fanta Pink in Croatia. Nor was there any Fanta Madness although there was some disgustingly lurid-looking blue Fanta which I did not risk. Nothing good can come of consuming stuff that is that colour!

Hmm, have just realised that in my previous post I did not mention my brush with Eastern European alchohol. As you probably know I don't usually drink alcohol at all due to not being able to bear the taste of it. However, one night, in a local restaurant the friendly waiter gave us all a free drink at the end of the meal. I'm not exactly sure what he gave the boys (perhaps someone could confirm?) but the girls were given a sort of honey brandy type thing. Well, feeling rather brave I decided to taste a little bit and, as it tasted like Benylin rather than your traditional alchohol taste, I managed two mouthfuls before I decided that it was too disgusting to drink any more. All was well until about 15 minutes later when I experienced a very strange sensation in my neck and a wierd fizzy feeling in my head... followed by an inability to move my arms as they had seemingly been replaced by the arms of a geriatric woman who had spent far too long on a trapeze that day. You will be pleased to know that within 12 hours my arms were totally back to their normal state of those belonging to a non-trapeze artist geriatric however I will not be downing shots of Benylin in the foreseeable future!

The seemingly innocent "Slavko".

Little did I know of the evil intent lurking in his wicked Croatian mind.