Amy and Amiability

Postcards from the edge of reason...


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Working Girl

Well, I have survived a whole day at work and did not manage to stuff anything up, which is very good news indeed. My class were fairly lovely and quite amusing (one of them told me that the force that helps boats to float is called "upper-crust"!) I was however, quite distressed to discover that I have a new pupil starting tomorrow! I mean, what on earth is that about? Did his parents not realise until today that they had a child of school age? (He's ten!!!) Why couldn't he have started today with everyone else? Why? Why? And he's got a naughty boy's name!

I am of the opinion that having a new child in your class is every bit as scary as being the new child in the class!

Poor child, I suppose it's not really his fault his parents are disorganised. I will try to be gracious!


At 3:30 PM, Blogger D Baynham said...

I think you should have two ropes suspended from the classroom ceiling with two thumbscrews attached. On parents evening any child who is really naughty in your class, you get to put the parents thumbs in the thumbscrews and suspend them up until they promise to discipline that child, there is grace for you :-s


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